Editorial Board

Junzheng Yang, PHD
Director, Pharmacy department
Xinxiang Medical College, China

Cody P. Coyne
Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Immunology
Mississippi State University, USA

Rebeca Remiro Inigo
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of Navarra, Spain

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Submit manuscript at Online Submission System or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at wmmsubmissions@peerreviewedjournals.com

Table of Contents

About the Journal

Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta is a peer-reviewed journal of global repute which publishes different forms of science communication pertaining to medicinal compounds and drugs. The archived database of the journal will be helpful source of refined information for students, interns, academicians, scientist, pharma industry professionals as well as medical and clinical professionals dealing with identification, quantification, structural elucidation of drug molecules. The journal focuses on several topics associated with pharmaceutical science including analytical methodologies, formulation, product analysis and marketing, quality control and quality assurance in pharmaceutical analysis.


Articles published in Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta has got h-index 25 , which means every article in Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta has got 25 average citations.

Journal Highlights

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