Editorial Board

Brian K Alldredge
Professor, Clinical Pharmacy and Neurology
The University of California , USA

WenHua Zheng
Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Science
University of Macau, China

Aron D Mosnaim
Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology
Rosalind Franklin University , USA

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Table of Contents

About the Journal

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology, ISSN: 2161-1459 (Online)

  • Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology (CPECR) is one of the leading global peer-reviewed journals which broadcast the outcomes from ongoing research activities in clinical pharmacology in an open-access mode of publication with special focus on clinical pharmacokinetics; clinical pharmacodynamics; rational drug prescription; clinical toxicology; molecular profiling; imaging and biomarkers.
  • The journal serves as an international forum for sharing and exchange of research outcomes among academicians, scientists, researchers, health practitioners and students associated with experimental and clinical pharmacology and caters to their requirement of up-to-date and systematically generated knowledge which would aid them in designing new experiments.
  • The journal focuses on recent research trends such as testing of new drugs in in-vitro and animal study models, the type of response and reaction to a particular drug molecule, its mechanism and site of action, determination of the therapeutic value, drug dosage, and ascertaining the risk to benefit ratio.


Articles published in Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology has got h-index 19 , which means every article in Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology has got 19 average citations.

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