Department of Surgery, Seriate Hospital-ASST Bergamo Est, Bergamo, Italy
Vescovi Lorenzo has extended valuable service for many years. Also has been a recipient of many awards and grants. International experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study
Research Article
COVID-19 Pandemic in Bergamo Outbreak: A Call to War; Implementation of a "COVID-Hospital" Model in ASST Bergamo-Est Trust as a Disaster-Response Strategy
Author(s): Iaculli Edoardo, Marini Michele*, Pezzoli Isabella, Spinelli Luisella, Vescovi Lorenzo, Frassini Silvia, Rubertà Francesca, Paderno Nadiane, Della Nave Rosalba, Da Re Elisa, Abdel Meneme Hamade, Delia Beatrice Bonzi, Tedeschi Alberto, Alessandro Iaculli, Giuseppe Nastasi, Mariani Pierpaolo and Piazzini Albani Antonio
Background: COVID-19 is a strikingly emerging disease caused by a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that has rapidly
spread across all continents and affecting virtually every country. From a clinical, epidemiological, political and
financial perspective, COVID-19 pandemic is now recognized as one of the worst disasters in modern era. In the
North of Italy, Bergamo has been the European equal to Chinese City of Wuhan in terms of epidemiological impact
of COVID-19. The first case of SARS-Cov-2 infection in Bergamo has been reported in Alzano District General
Hospital (DGH), part of ASST Bergamo-Est Multi Hospitals Network. ASST Bergamo-Est comprises four Hospitals
serving more than 50% of Bergamo Province and with a patient catchment of 387000 inhabitants.
Methods: We retrospectively analyze the challenges and actual impact of the .. View more»