Department of Dermatology, Chru Hospitals of Tours, Tours, France
Dr. Valérie Tauveron is a dermatologist at the Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire (CHRU) of Tours, France, specializing in rare skin and mucosal diseases. She coordinates the MAGEC (Maladies Vasculaires Rares et Dermatologiques de l'Enfant et de l'Adulte) center, focusing on vascular anomalies and lymphatic malformations. Dr. Tauveron has contributed to several publications in her field. Dr. Tauveron's work significantly advances the understanding and treatment of rare dermatological conditions, particularly those related to lymphatic anomalies.
Research Article
MobidermŽ Autofit Garments for Reducing Lower Limb Lymphedema: A Single-Arm Study Exploring Underlying Mechanisms
Author(s): Loic Vaillant*, Valerie Tauveron and Maxime Courtehoux
Background: Lymphedema is a chronic, disabling condition that results from a dysfunctional lymphatic system. The Mobiderm® Autofit device is designed to apply pressure and mobilize lymph to reduce edema and prevent worsening. This study aimed to identify the mechanisms that underlie the limb volume improvements and skin changes that are seen when using the device.
Methods: In this single-center exploratory study, patients who had lower limb lymphedema (stage II/III) wore a thigh-high Mobiderm® Autofit device for 48 hours of intensive treatment. Measurements were obtained on Day 1 (D1) and Day 3 (D3) using lymphoscintigraphy, high-frequency ultrasound, a cutometer, and volume calculations.
Results: Nine patients (aged 28-72 years) were included. The mean volume of the treated limb fell .. View more»