Dr, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Higher Technical Institute for Life Technology, Bergamo, Italy
Umberto Cornelli has extended valuable service for many years. Also has been a recipient of many awards and grants. International experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study
Research Article
COVID-19 Vaccination: Hopes and Facts to Cover Incompetence
Author(s): Umberto Cornelli*, Giovanni Belcaro and Martino Recchia
Background: Vaccination programmes against COVID-19 started in December 2020 in three countries (Israel, the
UK and the USA) and in the first two weeks of January in a further 137 countries. No vaccination campaigns had
yet been implemented in 36 countries on 30 March 2021.
Objective: The aim of this research is to compare the death rates in the two sets of countries. The correlation
between number of deaths due to the virus and LEEDELS data (Life Expectancy, Ecological, Demographic/Social
and Lifestyle variables) was calculated to determine which of these variables were connected with COVID-19 deaths.
Methods: The death and vaccination data were retrieved from the WHO coronavirus dashboard. The LEEDELS
data were taken from the Atlante Geografico Agostini 2020 and CIA World Facebook 2020-2021. The stati.. View more»