Teddy Mbanga Mbanga

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia


Dr. Teddy Mbanga Mbanga is a research scientist and belongs to Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at University of Zambia and is interested in the various fields of Soil and Water Conservation, geological exploration, Earth Sciences, Geography, Environmental studies and Geoinformation.

  • Research Article   
    Monitoring Forest Cover Change in Kalomo Hills Local Forest Using Remote Sensing and GIS: 1984-2018
    Author(s): Teddy Mbanga Mbanga*, Mark C. Mulenga and Garikai Membele

    The purpose of the study was to use remote sensing and GIS to assess forest cover change in Kalomo hills local forest. It sought to determine land cover change, quantify forest cover change, and identify the drivers of forest cover change over this period. This was a case study which employed mixed methods. Primary data and secondary data sources were used. Landsat satellite imagery of the study area were used. Image processing, classification and analysis of remote sensing satellite imagery data was conducted using Arc GIS 10.3 to produce change maps, and land cover change statistics. The study employed supervised image classification using the maximum-likelihood classifier algorithm on Landsat images for 1984, 2004, and 2018. Change detection was performed using the post-classification comparison from which change matrices were generated. Thematic analysis was performed in Statistic.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2469-4134.21.10.292

    Abstract HTML PDF