Department of Midwifery, Arsi University, Asela, Ethiopia
Research Article
Bacterial and Parasitic Etiologies and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern among Children with Diarrheal Disease at Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama, Ethiopia
Author(s): Abie Lemma Degife*, Bedado Dulo Defi, Meryma Abdo Komicha, Teshome Gabissa Robi, Adugna Chala Wari, Biruk Yeshitla Beshaha, Mekonen Teferi Mokonen, Shimeles Teshome Ayalneh, Haile Abera Lemi, Roza Teshome Kassa, Tadesse Fikre Lemma and Tolossa Eticha Chaka
Background: Diarrheal disease is a major health problem worldwide, especially in developing country like Ethiopia. The contribution of the various pathogens of diarrhea may differ substantially between regions depending on local meteorological, geographic and socio-economic conditions.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate bacterial and parasitic etiologies and antibiotic susceptibility pattern among children under the age of 15 years at Adama hospital medical college.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Adama hospital medical college. A total of 301 were recruited. A consecutive sampling technique was employed. Stool samples were collected with a sterile clean and leakproof plastic container from children who came with diarrheal disease. SPSS software version 21 was used f.. View more»