Department of Pharmacy, Stamford University Bangladesh, Siddeswari Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Article
Nanotechnology based Targeted Delivery of Drugs: Cancer Therapy
Author(s): Silva Luis*
Several scientific breakthrough and inventions that could militate against uncountable barriers normally experienced in
traditional drugs delivery system are utilized as therapeutic candidate for the management of cancer diseases. 66It has been
observed that conventional chemotherapeutics are associated with several side effects and high level of toxicity, entailing
impairment of the immune system as well as having numerous detrimental effects on organ with quick penetrating cells that
might be linked to the absence of solubility, nonspecific targeting, and incapability of the drug to enter the core of the tumors,
which eventually lead to compromised treatment with a decrease dose and with little subsistence rate. Nanotechnology has a
very great prospect with direct impact on cancerous cells as well as higher selectively with enhanced cellular uptake and drug
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