Shyamal Shah

Department of Phenomenology, BIMM University, Berlin, United Kingdom

  • Research Article   
    Analysing the Similarities and Differences between Serial Killers and Mass Murderers from First-Hand Accounts: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
    Author(s): Shyamal Shah*

    This study aimed to investigate whether there are any similarities or differences betwseen serial and mass murderers. I used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to analyse three manifestos written by mass murderers Dylan Roof, Elliot Rodger and Christopher Mercer and two autobiographies and one analysis of serial killing by Carl Panzram, HH Holmes and Ian Brady, three convicted serial killers. These texts were assumed to focus on their motivations, possible aetiology for the crimes and any other relevant information about the individual. Two similarities-hatred for humanity and motivations and one difference-mental illness were found; each being split into subthemes. The results demonstrated that there are similarities in their beliefs about humanity as well as their motivations for their crimes, but the aetiology needs to be further researched... View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2475-319X.24.9.350

    Abstract HTML PDF