Sharma R

Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi, India

  • Commentary   
    Overview of Elder Abuse in Indian Context and Psychological Coping Mechanisms
    Author(s): Sharma R*

    Introduction: The transition of culture, values and life style has shown degradation in morality, sense of responsibility, love and care towards the older family members. In the absence of recognition and acceptance of abuse, support network, preventive measures to control abuse the cases of abuse are often remain underreported. Henceforth, reinforce silently the incidences of abuse. Methodology: This is an interpretative paper based on an established theoretical and research framework and use valid supporting data to back up the statement and conclusion. Result: Research evidences, newspaper reports and report of National crime bureau confirm the increase in cases of elder abuse in society. There are several psychological coping mechanisms that can be exercised to deal with the abusive situati.. View more»

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