Ryder Dale Walton

Department of Doctoral Programs, Capitol Technology University, Laurel, Maryland, United States of America

  • Research Article   
    Vertical Meaning: Introducing and Exercising Interpersonal Data in Quantum Circuits via Japanese Honorifics
    Author(s): Ryder Dale Walton*

    This paper proposes a novel concept within Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) to encode the interpersonal metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), particularly tenor, into quantum circuits by treating Japanese honorifics seriously. Because of English language bias in the literature, the incorporation of nuanced aspects of interpersonal communication evident in low-resource languages like Japanese remains underdeveloped and overlooked. This study leverages the quantum computing Python package lambeq to capture grammar and social context specifically, the roles and relationships that define interpersonal interactions in quantum circuits. The newly introduced honorific type h accomplishes this end. This strategy exposes the capability of quantum circuits to model the complex structures of language, moving beyond grammar the horizontal, textual dimension of SFL to em.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2090-4908.24.13.379

    Abstract HTML PDF