Renna Roy

Department of Environmental Sciences, American University, Washington, USA

  • Research Article   
    Mitochondrial Genome Analysis and Phylogeny and Divergence Time Evaluation of the Strix aluco
    Author(s): David Smith and Renna Roy*

    In this study, a complete mitochondrial genome of the Strix aluco was reported for the first time, with a total length of 18,632 bp. There were 37 genes, including 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, 13 Protein-Coding Genes (PCGs), and 2 non-coding control regions (D-loop). The second-generation sequencing of the complete mitochondrial genome of the S. aluco was conducted using the Illumina platform, and then Tytoninae was used as the out-group, PhyloSuite software was applied to build the ML-tree and BI-tree of the Strigiformes, and finally, the divergence time tree was constructed using Beast 2.6.7 software, the age of Miosurniadiurnafossil-bearing sediments (6.0~9.5 mA) was set as the internal correction point. The common ancestor of the Strix was confirmed to have diverged during the Pleistocene (2.58~0.01 mA). The dramatic uplift of the Qinlin.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2161-1009.23.12.472

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