Planktology and Aquaculture Division, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India
Praba Thangamani, currently working at Planktology and Aquaculture Division, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India. The number of articles published are 08 and the number of times cited by, are 08 and the number of reads include are 3,884. The area of interest in the research was marine ecology, Fisheries, Conservation Biology, Microbial diversity.
Research Article
Development of Alternative Technology for the Long-term Storage of Microalgal Stock Culture in Fish Hatcheries
Author(s): Ajan Chellappan, Praba Thangamani, Shyni Markose, Selvaraj Thangaswamy, Uma Ganapathi, Citarasu Thavasimuthu and Michael Babu Mariavincent*
Maintenance of algal culture faces several problems associated with climate change, contaminations, equipment failures, power failures, unexplained crashes, poor lab facilities. Microalgae are traditionally preserved by serial subculture methods that are laborious, costly, and high risk of culture contamination. While unique characteristics may not be durably maintained with general subculture, cryopreservation methods better prevent alterations from desired characteristics. Because of the cost-effective in replacing of liquid nitrogen at every interval of time and technical person needed for the preservation. The objective is to find out an alternative and a low-cost technology for the preservation of microalgae Stock culture. The microalgae Nannochloropsis salina, Chlorella volutis, Cheatoceros gracilis, Dunaliella sp. and Amphora sp., were preser.. View more»