Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Chandrapur, Maharastra, India
Research Article
Descriptive Analysis of Ligature Composition in Correlation with Patho-Anatomic Findings in Neck Region Due to Hanging Fatalities
Author(s): Shibanand Nepal Karmakar*, Nilesh Keshav Tumram and Pradeep Gangadhar Dixit
Background: Hanging is the commonest form of violent asphyxial death cases coming for medico legal autopsy. Ligature material is one of the most important factors determining the causation of external and internal injuries to neck in hanging. The material make and the surface characteristic of the ligature material are determinant characteristics of a ligature material. Study of both external and internal injuries over neck, are important in cases of hanging.
Methods: A total of 95 cases of suicidal hanging cases were included in study. Cases without insitu ligature material around neck, cases with inadequate history, doubtful findings and bodies which were brought in decomposed state were excluded. The cases where ligature material was present in situ around neck were included in the study. Also where the history and crime scene wa.. View more»