Monica F. Tomlinson

Department of Psychology, The University of Western Ontario, Canada


Monica F. Tomlinson is working as a researcher in The University of Western Ontario, Canada. Egypt. She has authored numerous research articles in well-known journals and has various other accomplishments in the related studies. She has developed her valuable assistance towards the scientific community with immense effort. 

  • Research   
    Risk-Taking Behaviour and Criminal Responsibility: A Preliminary Investigation with Offenders and Forensic Psychiatric Patients
    Author(s): Roxana E. Moghaddam* and Monica F. Tomlinson

    The present study investigated whether individuals found criminally responsible (CR) differ from individuals found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) on behavioural measures of risktaking. Risk-taking was measured using two computerized tasks, the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). CR individuals were hypothesized to show greater risk-taking behaviours compared to NCRMD individuals. Performance on the IGT and BART was also hypothesized to predict NCRMD or CR group membership. Thirty-eight forensic psychiatric patients and offenders participated in this study. A t-test and logistic regression were conducted to address these hypotheses. No significant differences in risk-taking were found between NCRMD and CR individuals on the IGT and BART. Further, performance on the IGT and BART did not predict NCRMD or CR group membershi.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2475-319X.19.4.152

    Abstract HTML PDF