Michael Donaldson

Hallelujah Acres, Zillah, WA, USA

  • Research Article   
    Household Juice Extractor Comparison and Optimization
    Author(s): Michael Donaldson*

    Background: Increased vegetable consumption is a cornerstone of improving personal dietary habits and meeting national dietary guidelines. Vegetable juice is a beneficial way to increase vegetable consumption. Aim: The aim was to scientifically compare six different juicers for quantity and quality of juice yield for a variety of produce. Method: Six juicers (Green Star Elite, Champion, NuWave vertical auger, LaLane centrifugal, Norwalk, Pure) were tested side by side for the production of carrot, apple, celery, spinach and a combination juice of carrot, celery, spinach, and lemon. Yields of 1 kg batches were measured four times for each combination of produce and juicer. The quality of juice was measured by testing a panel of enzyme activities in each juice. Enzyme activity of carrot and combinatio.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2157-7110.20.11.819

    Abstract HTML PDF