Marzo Edir da Silva-Grigoletto

Department of Physical Education, Center of Biological and Health Sciences, Sergipe, Brazil

  • Review   
    Prescription of the Functional Strength Training for Older People: A Brief Review
    Author(s): Antonio Gomes de Resende-Neto* and Marzo Edir da Silva-Grigoletto

    Aging is associated with a variety of multisystem changes that influence decreased neuromuscular fitness levels. Such losses decrease physiological resilience and increase vulnerability to chronic diseases. As such, treatment strategies are necessary for health promotion and well-being in older people. Seeking to meet this need, functional strength training is an intervention often used to improve muscle strength and morphology. However, evidence-based doseresponse relationships with key physical training variables (e.g. intensity, volume, speed of movement, frequency and adhesion strategies) are unclear in the scientific literature. Thus, the purpose of this update is to provide an overview of current investigations and to suggest recommendations for the application of functional strength training to elderly. Taking into consideration the conditions of analysis, it may be suggested t.. View more»

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