Servicio Gallego de Salud, Santiago, Spain
Research Article
The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Care Workers in Pontevedra (Spain)
Author(s): Vicente Alvarez-Perez, Ana Maria Gago-Ageitos*, Javier Vicente-Alba, Carmen Mercedes Garcia-Hijano*, Maria Jose Duran-Maseda and Maria Vidal-Millares
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed Health Care Workers (HCWs) to increased workload and high risk of contagion with a negative impact in their mental health We present a descriptive and observational study performed with a total sample of 306 Health Care Workers (HCWs) in the Pontevedra Area, which include two Hospitals: Hospital do Salnés and Hospital Clinico-Universitario de Pontevedra and Primary Care Health Centers (“Centros de Saúde”: CS and AP, “Puntos de Atención Continuada”: PACS) from 3rd to 16th May 2021.
Aim: To study the psychological impact in healthcare workers in our community, (Pontevedra, 300000 inhabitants).
Method: An online massive survey was administered with “Google Forms”. We performed a battery of sociodemographic and work conditio.. View more»