Maia Goncalves A

Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalente, Hospital de Braga, 4710-243 Braga, Portugal


Dr. António Maia Gonçalves, joined the Unilabs team in February 2020, assuming the role of Medical Director of the group in Portugal. Born in Mozambique 54 years ago, he graduated in Medicine from the University of Porto, specializing in Internal Medicine and Intensive Care.

  • Research Paper   
    Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives on End-of-Life Care According to Autonomy of Practical Reason
    Author(s): Maia Goncalves A*, Vieira A, Vilaça A, Maia Goncalves M and Meneses R

    Nowadays, innovative medical technologies almost mask death, although they are not free of ethical concerns. Regarding end-of-life decisions, publications demonstrate that doctors don’t intend for themselves what they practice with patients. We aimed to assess health professionals’ perspectives about their own end-of-life decisions, asking them “In case of advanced oncological disease, would you prefer rescue or comfort therapy?” and “In case of advanced chronic disease, would you prefer admission in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or palliative care?”. The sample included 57% doctors. 80% of all participants chose comfort therapy and 84% chose palliative care. Nurses chose comfort therapy and palliative care more frequently than doctors (p<0.05); both doctors and nurses from surgical areas preferred rescue therapy and ICU admiss.. View more»

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