NORVIC International Hospital, Nepal
Nepal Perspectives on Routine Clinical Practices for Management of NAFLD
Author(s): Sudhamshu KC*, Prasad VGM, Shreshta A, Pathak R, Lama T, Jaisi B, Karki N, Khadka S, Kashyap AK and Sharma D
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is highly prevalent in the developed world. The prevalence has been increasing over the past few decades in parallel with an increase in the metabolic syndrome. South Asia hosts some of the most populated cities in the world and recent studies suggest the prevalence of NAFLD in some of these areas to be comparable to the western world. Earlier diagnosis should prompt life style modifications and the use of appropriate medications to prevent progression to hepatic fibrosis. In this paper we present the commentary of a group of experts from Nepal regarding the routine clinical management of NAFLD in Nepal from their clinical experiences. .. View more»