Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
Dr. Jun Steed Huang was born in Shanghai 1963, studied in Zhenjiang, Nanjing and Montreal, worked in Montreal, Ottawa, Ocala, Houston, San Diego, Zhenjiang, Suqian, Shenzhen and Nanjing as an engineer and a professor. Curently he is working as a professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. His area of interest in research field is in Artificial Intelligence.
Research Article
An Artificial Swan Formation Using the Finsler Measure in the Dynamic Window Control
Author(s): Jun S Huang*, Siqing Ma, Gao Li, Oliver W Yang and Chang Shao
This paper studies the swarm formation control for a large number of unmanned robots (artificial swans) to expel
invading objects (geese) in applications such as airport bird control. This control algorithm extends the existing
DWA (Dynamic Window Algorithm) control by inserting a new term using the Finsler measure in the objective
function during the optimization process. As demonstrated and proven with the simulation section and derivation
in the appendix, the Finsler measure can gauge the degree of local collaboration among unmanned robots and
therefore allow us to form a statistical collaboration strategy to control a swarm formation to expel invading objects.
It also allows fast optimization and therefore real-time formation control of a large number of robots without seeing
the robots to collide with each other or with obstacles along their moving path, beca.. View more»