Joseph De Luna

Department of Biophysics, Technological University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

  • Research Article   
    Exploration of Temperature-Induced Quantum Proton Tunneling Probability in PCR-Mediated DNA Amplification
    Author(s): Joseph De Luna*

    This study investigates the impact of temperature induced quantum proton tunneling probability on DNA amplification during Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR). Using a simulation model based on a Gaussian wave function and finite-difference time-domain method, quantum tunneling of protons across square potential barriers is examined. The results unveil consistent probability distributions for quantum tunneling across various PCR temperatures, with distinct oscillation patterns emerging post-barrier crossing. Acknowledging limitations in initial conditions due to temperature-dependent proton energy, the study highlights the need for refined models and experimental validation. These findings accentuate the potential interplay between quantum mechanics and biological systems, prompting further research to understand quantum tunnelling’s comprehensive effect on genetic variations and m.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2167-7662.23.11.228

    Abstract HTML PDF