Jordanka Semkova

Department of Space, Solar-Terrestrial Research Institute, Sofuia, Bulgaria

  • Editorial   
    Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems
    Author(s): Jordanka Semkova*

    Exclusively they might be alluded to as framework prefixed by ,the name of the star or star framework that it circles or some of ,the time basically the name of the star framework. Prior to the sixteenth century and Copernican heliocentrism, human information on planetary frameworks was restricted to ,heliocentrism and our own planetary framework (the Solar System). Regardless of the disclosure and investigation of the Solar System and hundreds of years of guess, it stayed this way ,until the earth shattering revelation of the strange PSR framework and its extra sun powered planets, affirmed in 1992, which holds various huge records, including the first found, just ,as the main pulsar, multi-star planetary framework. .. View more»

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