Department of Geomatic Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Research Article
Geospatial Analysis of Fuel and Gas Station Distribution: Evaluating the Compliance and Impact of Station Siting on Public Health and Safety in Kumasi, Ghana
Author(s): Richard Boadu Antwi*, Stephen Okai, Jonathan Quaye-Ballard and Eren Erman Ozguven
In this paper, locations of the various fuel and gas stations in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana were geospatially
analysed against the standards set by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly
and Town and Country Planning Department. Global Positioning System Garmin 62S was used to capture the
location of the fuel and gas stations whereas the boundary shapefile, road shapefile and Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) of Kumasi were obtained from the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly and Survey and Mapping Division
of Lands Commission. Spatial locations of the gas and fuel stations were integrated into the map of Kumasi in
ArcMap environment of ArcGIS 10.3.1 in WGS84 coordinate system. All the analyses were performed in ArcMap
environment using spatial statistics, spatial analyst, and proximity tools available in the software. Findings revealed
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