Department of Cardiology, Meadville Medical Center, Meadville, Pennsylvania, USA
Short Communication
Intravascular Lithotripsy to Facilitate Carotid Stenting
Author(s): Kevin Kang* and John Wilson
Severe arterial calcification can make balloon and stent expansion challenging. Severely calcified lesions are more
likely to undergo recoil after balloon expansion or stenting. Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) is a potential solution for
severe calcification limiting stent expansion or recoil in the Internal Carotid Artery (ICA). IVL has been rarely tried
in ICA territory. ICA endovascular intervention is unique due to high risk of stroke and use of distal protection is
mandatory to qualify for procedure re-imbursement. IVL is not approved in the ICA territory and not approved for
treating under expanded stents. But, traditional calcium de bulking devices like Rotational or orbital atherectomy
are dangerous in ICA territory while calcium scoring devices might fail. IVL can modify calcified plaque without
direct mechanism for embolization. There have been reports o.. View more»