University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Dr. Jesan Ara is currently working as a Assistant Professor in Department of Psychology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Her area of research interests include Gastric Surgery, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Research Article
Clinical Experiences of CBT Practitioner in Bangladesh
Author(s): Jesan Ara* and Farah Deeba
Cognitive behavior therapy is an active, directive, time-limited, structured approach used to treat a variety of psychiatric disorders. A CBT Practitioner helps the patient to think and act more realistically and adaptively about their problems thereby reduce symptoms. Aim of this research was to explore the factors that are working as barriers according to the CBT practitioners, in effective use of CBT to reduce symptoms of clients’ psychological problems. A questionnaire was developed consisting items related to application of CBT techniques, various attitude and behavioral aspects of therapist and client, and some potential cultural and societal contextual variables that assumed to undermine the effective use of CBT in reducing the symptoms of psychological disorder. A survey was done on 40 CBT practitioners and their feedback indicated a range of practice oriented, therapist.. View more»