Hari TS Narayanan

NetTools Consulting, Tamil Nadu, India

  • Review Article   
    Scheduling Proximity Data Exchange for Contact Tracing
    Author(s): Hari TS Narayanan* and Spatika Narayanan

    Contact tracing is one of the popular applications of proximity data. A contact tracing system collects, stores, and computes proximity distance and duration to identify the contacts for contagious diseases like SARS and Ebola. Most of the currently deployed contact tracing solutions is built with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The BLE in smartphones is used for exchanging proximity data. This exchange of proximity data could be either intrusive or non-intrusive. In intrusive exchange, the data exchange takes place after establishing a BLE connection to another smartphone. In non-intrusive exchange, periodic broadcast messages from a smartphone are scanned for proximity data. Both methods operate under technology specific and environmental constraints. Irrespective of the method, there can be collisions while accessing the media. Collision impedes data exchange and r.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2090-4908.22.11.267

    Abstract HTML PDF