Biomedical/Specialist Surgical Sciences Department, University of Ferrara, Italy
Research Article
Retrospective Microbiological Study of Atypical Recurrent Pharyngitis in Patients Presenting the White-line Clinical Sign
Author(s): Neri G*, Pennelli A, Del Boccio M, Neri L, Toniato E, Tenaglia R, Gallenga CE, Gallenga PE and Del Boccio G
Background: Chronic atypical oropharyngeal disease in adults, accompanied with chronic cough, can occur at any age manifesting itself with different grade evolutive diseases. Often their pathogenesis is attributed to gastroesophageal reflux, to virosis or to unspecified immune deficiencies but some clinical aspects, such as the simultaneous presence of urinary disorders, the temporal scanning of the recurrence and the reduced response to antibiotic therapy, suggests a different or a superimposed pathology.
Methods: The present study was carried out to assess retrospectively biopsy and biological materials from a population afflicted by atypical recurrent pharyngitis, presenting a “white line” clinical sign into the context of respiratory difficulties, manifesting chronic choking cough (CCC), laryngopharyngeal (LPR) and gastroesophageal (.. View more»