Flora Zarola

MD, PhD in Neurology, Unit of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, ASL RM 6, District 2, Via Gallerie di Sotto snc, 00041 Albano Laziale, Rome, Italy

  • Case Report   
    A Rare Case of PAF Comorbid with Epilepsy: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of a Patient in Charge at Outpatient Home Care Clinic
    Author(s): Flora Zarola* and Profeta B

    Objective: A home care patient who was previously on outpatient clinic care with a suspicion of Parkinson's disease was taken in charge. The clinical history reported a poor response to dopaminergic therapy that had been interrupted at the initiative of the patient and his family. Therefore, the initial aim was a better diagnostic definition of a possible extrapyramidal disease and the development of a more effective treatment. Background: During the previous home visits, some signs suggesting a Parkinsonism such as reduced facial expression and a certain motor slowdown with a slight axial stiffness were found, while along the way an orthostatic hypotension was added to clinical observation. A first new attempt with dopaminergic therapy had given little satisfaction, but in the meantime the presence of reported episodes of a.. View more»

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