Dhiviya Rose

School of Computer Science, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Bidholi Campus, Dehardun, India

  • Research Article   
    Social Challenges and Opportunities in Blood Bank Distribution in India: A Literature Review
    Author(s): Dhiviya Rose*

    Blood is an important drug in times of critical medical ailments during this pandemic. Convalescent Plasma (CP) therapy is an effective way to treat critical patients which reduce the rate of intensive care unit hospitalization. Meanwhile as Plasma Bank are coming up a review was conducted on the Blood Transfusion Systems in India which lies as the backbone of the development of Plasma Bank’s network. With the objective to improve the Blood Transfusion Systems in India, an analysis report of the blood banks in India is been presented. The blood bank data available in the Indian government portal data.gov.in is considered for this study. The study concludes that the blood banks in India is ununiformed in its distribution and not proportionate to the population of states and union territories. The blood storage units in India is not proposition to the blood banks which can leads t.. View more»

    Abstract PDF