Copley M

Department of Community Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, USA


Dr. Copley M is currently working at Department of Community Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, USA and his research interest includes Nursing, Gerontology, Geriatric nursing, Adult Nursing.

  • Research Article   
    Nurse Practitioner-Led Education: Improving Advance Care Planning in the Skilled Nursing Facility
    Author(s): Copley M* and Ingram C

    The Advance Care Planning (ACP) note is a critical component for guiding the care of patients in the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). Although ACP documentation is essential, it often is not completed in the SNF. The purpose of the project was to increase the number of ACP notes for patients admitted to 13 SNFs in Southeastern Minnesota. Prior to intervention, the ACP note was not consistently completed by the Nurse Practitioner (NP) or Physician Assistant (PA) in the SNF. The aim of the Quality Improvement (QI) project was to increase ACP note completion rates by 50% and increase satisfaction and knowledge with the ACP process amongst NPs and PAs over a 12-week period after the administration of a one-hour ACP education session. By improving the ACP process, patients can participate in a positive end-of-life experience and receive medical care that is consistent with their values, goa.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2167-7182.20.9.507

    Abstract HTML PDF