National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, 115409, Russia
Dr. Beklemisheva AV is an professor works at National University of Science and Technology (NUST MISIS), Moscow, 119040, Russia; Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics RAS, Moscow, 124365, Russia
Micromagnetic Manipulators - Ferromagnetic Microwire Systems for Diffusion and Separation of Para and Dia- magnetic Particles in Gradient
Magnetic Field
Author(s): Beklemisheva AV*, Gurevich AA, Panina LV, Suetina IA, Mezentseva MV, Zolotoreva MG and Beklemishev VN
Micromagnetic manipulators to control and manage the dynamics of micro and nanoparticles are widely used in medicine, physics, and biology. In this paper, we proposed a number of concepts of targeted use of ferromagnetic microwires for para and dia-magnetic objects manipulation. The microwires are produced in a biocompatible glass shell by Taylor-Ulitovsky method and exhibit tunable magnetic properties. They have the ability to create high gradient magnetic fields due to specific composition of the ferromagnetic core, magnetic domain structure and micron dimensions. For various experimental tasks, the optimal configuration of ferromagnetic microwires in the system and the direction of the wire magnetization are selected. A point trap for paramagnetic particles is formed by an individual wire with an axial magnetization. The wires magnetized along diameter are a source of linearly situ.. View more»