Department of Medicine, University of Verona, 37129 Verona VR, Italy
Mini Review
Gerontological Nursing Growth and its Adaptation
Author(s): Andrea Ross*
Policymakers in wealthy and emerging nations alike face significant challenges as a result of the continuing growth of
older adult populations. The JAHF is one of America's top philanthropies today with a continuous interest in ageing
and health2 centred on age-friendly health systems, family caregiving, major illnesses, and end-of-life care. This
demographic imperative has sparked many problems and innovative health care initiatives. The JAHF has taken the
lead in ensuring that geriatrics training was provided to our country's clinicians and educators in medicine, nursing,
and social work who offer care to older individuals as part of their professional education. Gerontology nursing is
a special area of nursing that calls for nurses to concentrate their care on the elderly. This population has a higher
prevalence of comorbid illnesses such diabetes, heart.. View more»