Aml El-Shabrawy

Dr, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


Dr. Aml El-Shabrawy is a Faculty of Medicine in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.  The author has overseen multiple clinical research projects in the field of Mother and Child Development, Pediatrics, Neonatology, etc.,

  • Research Article   
    Designing a Pragmatic Dose-Escalation for Vitamin-D to Reduce Endometriosis Related Pain after Laparoscopy in Vitamin- D Deficient Women
    Author(s): Aml El-Shabrawy*

    Objective: the study aimed to discover the subjective cure rate, and the safety of using escalating dose regimens of solubilized cholecalciferol in the medical treatment of endometriosis- related pain after ablative surgeries in vitamin-D deficient women. Design classification: Prospective study. Setting: Alsaedy Maternity Hospital, Makka, Saudi Arabia. Patients and interventions: In this double-blind clinical trial, we enlisted patients with endometriosis assessed for dysmenorrhea and pelvic discomfort by VAS test at 8 weeks after treatment by laparoscopy. All patients were vitamin-D deficient (<12 ng/ml). They were arbitrarily received vitamin-D (50 000 IU weekly for 6 months) or placebo. Intensity of pain in the 2 groups was reassessed at 6 months after surgery. Results: There were 25 patients in the vitamin-.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2090-7214.21.s8.002

    Abstract HTML PDF