Centre for Clinical Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
Application and Evaluation of the Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
assay for the Detection of Aflatoxigenic Fungi Contaminants of Rice Grains in
Author(s): Youmma Douksouna*, Allan Ole Kwallah, Andrew Nyerere, Steven Runo and Zachée Ambang
Aflatoxigenic fungi are most common filamentous fungi that synthesis aflatoxins and represent the major fungal
pathogens to agricultural products. Aflatoxins remain a major threat to global food security, these molecules could be
resisted into food during processing and in additional may remain within the food chain. Aflatoxins are carcinogenic,
hepatotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic, can inhibit numerous metabolic systems and immunosuppressive properties.
Studies of aflatoxigenic strains can help to enhance strategies control and prevent aflatoxigenic fungi contamination
and aflatoxins production in foodstuffs. In this study, isolation of Aspergillus species was based on morphological
characteristics including the mycelium growth pattern, color, and properties of fruiting bodies of the fungi. The
innovated technique loop-mediated isothermal amplification assa.. View more»