Alan Olan

Department of Pathology, Independent Researcher, United States of America

  • Research Article   
    Method of Combining Multiple Researches to Determine Non-Infectious Disease Causes, Analysis of Depression and Celiac Disease Causes
    Author(s): Alan Olan*

    In this work an author is introducing a method which using a special algorithm based in math, allows to find disease causes for a specific non-infectious disease using results of multiple researches regarding risk factors of the disease. The method is based on a model presented in the article “A connection between factors causing diseases and diseases frequencies: Its application in finding disease causes, which is confirmed by empirical data”. As explained in the article mentioned above, a non-infectious disease is caused by a combination of few physiological parameters changes beyond 1-sigma interval which are existing at the same time. In the current article author explains a foundation of the method and then shows a practical way to use it. Using this method author further analyses Depression and Celiac diseases and as a result the work gives the causes of these diseas.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/0974-8369.23.16.665

    Abstract HTML PDF