Psychologist, ISMAI – University College of Maia, Maia, Portugal
Dr. Agostinho Almeida currently works at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto. Agostinho does research in Pharmacy and Medicine. Their current project is 'iogeneration'. He has authored numerous research articles in well-known journals and has various other accomplishments in the related studies. He has developed his valuable assistance towards the scientific community with immense effort.
Review Article
Benzodiazepines Dependence: Addiction to Legally Prescribed Substances
Author(s): Sofia S. Anna Gandra*, Agostinho Leite D’ Almeida and Zélia M. Teixeira
The undue use of benzodiazepines can lead to dependence of this substance, constituting a serious health problem, hard to manage therapeutically. Despite this finding, the prescription of benzodiazepines is still common. In the literature there are several proposals for therapeutic intervention, ranging from the gradual reduction to the psychotherapeutic intervention. In view of the above, this review of the literature aims to understand the specific theme of addition to benzodiazepines. With the present study, we highlight the impact that this dependence has on individuals’ lives, the difficulty of withdrawing these substances, and the lack of adequate responses in the national health system to deal with the problem. We came to the conclusion that the psychotherapeutic intervention is extremely important for the treatment of this phenomenon and that the prevention of these situ.. View more»