Abbas Smiley

Assistant Professor, Westchester Medical Center, New York Medical College, NY, United States


Abbas Smiley he is working at the University of Tabriz as an assistant professor in the Department of Library and Information Science which is located at New York Medical College.

  • Research Article   
    KAP Evidence and Farecasting the Corona Virus Outbreak in the UK, Spain and Belgium
    Author(s): Maryam Moghadami*, Ka Wa and Abbas Smiley

    Through this paper the author aims to provide a high-level overview of the root cause of the issue of sedentary life. With the onset of the modern age came the onset of a new category of diseases, the diseases caused due to a sedentary lifestyle. With a fall of 30% since 1960 in jobs requiring physical activity, 80% of jobs today are sedentary or require only light activity. According to WHO, 60-85% of the population does not engage in enough activity keeping this thought in mind the author through this paper aims to shows that the rate of diseases like obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes type-2 has increased substantially since the 1950s, which may be attributed to the increased availability, affordability and range of different machines for different purposes which has made life easier and at the same time brought human energy expenditure to a relative stand still. .. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2375-4273.20.8.256

    Abstract HTML PDF