David Jackson

David Jackson


  • Research Article
    Drugs Highly Associated with Infusion Reactions Reported using Two Different Data-mining Methodologies
    Author(s): Philip W Moore, Keith K Burkhart and David JacksonPhilip W Moore, Keith K Burkhart and David Jackson

    Objective: Infusion reactions can be serious life threatening adverse events and have been associated with many drugs and biologic agents. Our objective was to report drugs associated with infusion reactions using two different data-mining methodologies. Methods: The Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) was data-mined for drugs highly associated with infusion reactions. Drugs were included if there were >10 reported adverse events and if the Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean (EBGM) score ≥ 2. Molecular Health’s MASE (Molecular Analysis of Side Effects) reports Proportional Reporting Ratios (PRR) for drugs highly associated with infusion reactions and was cross-referenced to improve detection sensitivity. Results: Using FAERS, the highest EBGM scores by class were reported a.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9864.1000195

    Abstract PDF