Upcoming Special Issue

Purpose: To publish the most exciting research with respect to the subjects of Journal of Vascular Medicine and Surgery and to provide a rapid turn-around time regarding reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes.

Special Issue Topics

Special issue entitled: "Emerging Trends in Thrombosis and Vascular Medicine" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Emerging Research on Vascular Medicine and Surgery" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Arterial and Venous Thrombosis in COVID-19 Disease" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Vascular Complications of Thrombosis in Covid-19" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Insights in Vascular Surgery: 2021" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Vascular Med & Cardiac Imaging 2020" (Released)
Special issue entitled: Heart failure and its complications
Special issue entitled: Atherosclerosis-Major threat now-a-days
Special issue entitled: "Peripheral arterial disease" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Cardiac Electrophysiology" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Arrhythmias: Diagnosis and Treatment" (Released)
Special issue entitled: "Endothelial dysfunction: from bench to bedside" (Released)
  • Sy Duong-Quy
    MD, PhD, FCCP
    Associate Professor
    Hôpital Cochin
Special issue entitled: Restenosis: Coronary, Carotid, Stent, Diabetes, Angioplasty, Smooth Muscle, Inflammation, Pathology, etc.
  • Jun Ren
    Research Assistant
    Department of Surgery
    University of Wisconsin
    School of Medicine and Public Health Madison
Special issue entitled: "Vascular Medicine and Vascular Surgery" (Released)

Submission Process

Submit Special Issue articles online through manuscript submission, review and editorial tracking system for quality and quick review processing at https://www.walshmedicalmedia.com/vascular-medicine-surgery/submit-manuscript.html or send as an e-mail attachment to the editorial office at wmmsubmissions@peerreviewedjournals.com

  1. In case of online submission, please select "Special Issue Article" from the dropdown list.
  2. In case of e-mail, please specify the title of the special issue in the subject and in the cover letter of the submission.

For further information, Please contact us at: Walsh Medical Media Journals
: info@walshmedicalmedia.com