Walsh Medical Media welcomes proposals for creating special issues that fall within the scope of Vascular Medicine and Surgery published by Walsh Medical Media. The special issues should aim at exploring recent advances in Vascular Medicine and Surgery. We seek original unpublished works that represent specific areas of research which can widen the scope of Vascular Medicine and Surgery.
Proposal Preparation
Special issues will be released on a monthly basis and proposals will be accepted accordingly. All proposals should include the following information:
https://sporbahisleri.blogaaja.fi http://sporbahisleri.parsiblog.com https://spor-bahisleri.jimdosite.com https://sporbahisleri.edublogs.org https://sporbahisleri.websites.co.in https://sporbahisleri.podia.com https://sporbahisleri7.wordpress.com https://sporbahisleri.jigsy.com https://niwn-chroiaty-mcieung.yolasite.com https://spor-bahisleri.mywebselfsite.net https://sporbahisleri.mystrikingly.com https://sporbahisleri.splashthat.com https://sporbahisleri1.webnode.com.tr https://sporbahisleri.odoo.com http://sporbahisleri.creatorlink.net http://www.geocities.ws/sporbahisleri/ https://spor-s-site.thinkific.com https://artistecard.com/sporbahisleri https://sporbahisleri.estranky.cz https://spor-bahisleri.mozellosite.com https://651be6b563e56.site123.me https://betsitesiinceleme.blogspot.com https://sporbahisleri.hashnode.dev https://sporbahislerim.wixsite.com/spor-bahisleri https://sporbahislerix.weebly.com https://sites.google.com/view/betsiteleri https://codepen.io/sporbahisleri https://sporbahisleri.bcz.com https://www.smore.com/6rsb9
All proposals should be submitted to www.longdom.org/submissions/vascular-medicine-surgery.html or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at wmmsubmissions@peerreviewedjournals.com
Role of EB Members
Once a proposal has been accepted by the EB members for creating a special issue, the corresponding guest editors will be responsible for handling and processing of the special issue articles.
Role of Guest Editor(s)
Submission Process
Accepted manuscripts submitted before the deadline will be published within the given timeframe for the respective journal publication.
Once accepted and published, all special issues will be released under an open access system through Walsh Medical Media and will be freely available for reading, downloading, and printing.
For further information on special issue guidelines and submission process, please contact wmmsubmissions@peerreviewedjournals.com