Articles published in International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation has got h-index 11, which means every article in International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation has got 11 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

61 60 37 6 7

Year wise citations received

82 101 85 82 43
Journal total citations count 510
Journal Impact Factor 1.61
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.41
Journal CiteScore 2.24
Journal h-index 11
Important citations

Regeneration of peripheral nerves by nerve guidance conduits: Influence of design, biopolymers, cells, growth factors, and physical stimuli.

3D biofabrication of vascular networks for tissue regeneration: A report on recent advances

A Review on Automotive Industries and Foundries in Nigeria

Selection of lactic acid bacteria for use as starter cultures in Lafun production and their impact on product quality and safety

Dietary inclusion of watermelon rind powder and Lactobacillus plantarum: Effects on Nile tilapia's growth, skin mucus and serum immunities, and disease resistance.

Symbiotic drink based on Brazil nuts ( Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K): production, characterization, probiotic viability and sensory acceptance

Nutritional and Microbiological Evaluation of Ricebean (Vigna umbellata) Based Probiotic Food Multi Mix Using Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus

A hybrid particle swarm optimization for the selective pickup and delivery problem with transfers

An artificial bee colony algorithm with a modified choice function for the Traveling Salesman Problem

An artificial bee colony algorithm with a Modified Choice Function for the traveling salesman problem

An Efficient Hybrid Evolution Strategy Algorithm with Direct Search Method for Global Optimization

New hybrid NSGA-III&SPEA/R to multi-object optimization in a half-car dynamic model:

Performance of genetic algorithms with different selection operators for solving short-term optimized reservoir scheduling problem

New hybrid between SPEA/R with deep neural network: Application to predicting the multi-objective optimization of the stiffness parameter for powertrain mount systems:

Multidisciplinary design of a guided flying vehicle using simplex nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II

Multi-User Remote lab: Timetable Scheduling Using Simplex Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm

Multi-user Remote Lab: Timetable Scheduling Using Simplex Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm

Cyborg ethics and regulation: ethical issues of human enhancement

Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology A Cross Sectional Study: Particle Swarm Optimization

A Cross Sectional Study: Particle Swarm Optimization