ISSN: 2167-7182
Gerontology & Geriatric Research received 2512 citations as per Google Scholar report
Past Conference Editorial of Geriatrics 2020
Value Added Abstract
The experience of aging in a nursing home: biographies and dominant Discourses of aging in different social contexts
An indoor positioning system for monitoring the behaviour of older people in their homes
Rise in the number of geriatric patients attending psychiatric emergency services in a tertiary hospital during the COVID-19 lockdown period
The Development And Validation of Gerontological Nurse Teacher Scale
Improving Quality of Life for Diverse Older Adults Living with Dementia in New York: Toward a Dementia Friendly Bronx
Decreased muscle function in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease
Social engagement for aging well: Theoretical and practical perspectives
New approach to dizziness with clinical method
Intergenerational perception of living arrangement in the old age: Familization and rising market of elder care in Vietnam
Care of the elderly: Golden or Burden?