Articles published in Journal of Socialomics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Socialomics has got h-index 7, which means every article in Journal of Socialomics has got 7 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Socialomics.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Total published articles

30 61 61 33 25 7 4 30 54 24 14 16 8

Research, Review articles and Editorials

7 5 1 1 1 2 3 15 42 21 13 16 8

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

23 56 60 32 24 5 1 15 12 3 1 0 0

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

93 99 105 143 115 85 56 47 24 10 13 16 0
Journal total citations count 244
Journal impact factor 1.81
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.97478991
Journal cite score 6.22
Journal h-index 7
Important citations

Goitom, Mary. "Discourses of Migration and Belonging: How Language Shapes the Return-Thinking Processes of Ethiopians in Canada." Clinical Social Work Journal 47.4 (2019): 394-405.

Ojwang, Benson Oduor. "The influence of language ecology on the identity and political participation of the inland Swahili communities in the Luo region of Kenya." Language, Discourse & Society 7.2 (2019): 73-86.

Mudondo, Constance, Dauda Waiswa Batega, and Robert Kabumbuli. "“The wetland is our cooking pot”: Implications of latent symbolism of Language use on persistent conflicts in transboundary wetlands in Uganda." Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities 4.4 (2018): 80-87.

Acheson, Emily. Predicting disease vector distributions through space and time using environmental and vector control data. Diss. Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa, 2015.

Kairo, Guillaume, et al. "Efficiency of an air curtain as an anti?insect barrier: the honey bee as a model insect." Pest management science 74.12 (2018): 2707-2715.

Karunamoorthi, Kaliyaperumal, et al. "Papaya: A gifted nutraceutical plant-a critical review of recent human health research." CELLMED 4.1 (2014): 2-1.

Shah, Syed Z., et al. "Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and control of a tick-borne disease-Kyasanur forest disease: current status and future directions." Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 8 (2018): 149.

Karunamoorthi, Kaliyaperumal, and Shanmugavelu Sabesan. "Insecticide resistance in insect vectors of disease with special reference to mosquitoes: a potential threat to global public health." (2013): 4-18.

Olafsson, Brieann. Psychometric Properties of The Services Matching Instrument: An Investigation of Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure. Diss. 2020.

Bedard, Theresia. Women Offender Assessment: Can Gender-Informed Variables Improve Prediction of Institutional Outcomes?. Diss. Carleton University, 2019.

Olafsson, Brieann, Robert D. Morgan, and Daryl G. Kroner. "Service Needs Inventory: Development, reliability, and preliminary validity." Psychological services (2020).

Favril, Louis, and Freya Vander Laenen. "Suicidal ideation among female inmates: A cross-sectional study." International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 18.2 (2019): 85-98.

deBoer, Roswitha. "Learn to share in Pluspunt and WiG."

Kisa, Sarah, Godfrey Ejuu, and Joyce Ayikoru Asiimwe. "TEACHERS'EXPECTATIONS AND MATHEMATICS COMPETENCE OF PRIMARY ONE LEARNERS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF BUSIRO AND LUUKA, UGANDA." African Journal of Education and Practice 6.5 (2020): 1-12.

Cheung, Kam Yee, et al. "Association between attention, working memory and addition performance in preschool and early-school children." (2018).

Guinocor, Marvin, et al. “Mathematics Performance of Students in a Philippine State University.” International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 15.3 (2020): em0586.

Putri, Enyta Ramadisae. "POGIL Model on Mathematical Connection Ability Viewed from Self-Regulated Learning." International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 9.2 (2020): 394-400.


CARVALHO, FELIPE AUGUSTO LOPES. "Proibição do recurso à força e legítima defesa antiterrorista: legado normativo do combate ao estado islâmico (ISIS)." TÍTULO Galileu–Revista de Direito e Economia: 57.

Eappen, Philip. Provision of Post-Captivity Holistic Health Services to a Group of 126 Female Abduction Survivors: The Nigerian Experience. Diss. Central Michigan University, 2021.