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Single Cell Biology
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Single Cell Genome

Single cell genome is of great interest to researchers. Probing the genetic make –up of individual cells would understand a wide range of organisms that cannot be grown in lab from bacteria that lives in digestive tracts and on our skin. Single-cell genetic studies are also being used to study stem cells, cancer cells and the human brain, which is made up of cells that increasingly appear to have significant genomic diversity. Advances in whole-genome and whole-transcriptome amplification have permitted the sequencing of the minute amounts of DNA and RNA present in a single cell, offering a window into the extent and nature of genomic and transcriptomic heterogeneity which occurs in both normal development and disease. Single-cell approaches stand poised to revolutionise our capacity to understand the scale of genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic diversity that occurs during the lifetime of an individual organism.

Related Journals of Single Cell Genome

Single Cell Biology, Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine, Journal of Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology, Immunogenetics: Open Access, Advancements in Genetic Engineering, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Cytogenetic and Genome Research, Genome Biology and Evolution, Advances in Genome Biology, Genome Integrity, Genome Dynamics and Stability