Upcoming Special Issue

Purpose: To publish the most exciting research with respect to the subjects of Review of Public Administration and Management and to provide a rapid turn-around time regarding reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes.

Special Issue Topics

Special issue entitled: "Qualitative Public Policy Analysis" (Released)
  • Tatsuo Oyama
    Professor, Vice President and Dean
    National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Special issue entitled: "Qualitative Social System Analysis" (Released)
  • Tatsuo Oyama
    Professor, Vice President and Dean
    National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


Submission Process

Submit Special Issue articles online through manuscript submission, review and editorial tracking system for quality and quick review processing at https://www.walshmedicalmedia.com/review-public-adminstration-management/submit-manuscript.html or send as an e-mail attachment to the editorial office at wmmeditor@medicalsci.org

  1. In case of online submission, please select "Special Issue Article" from the dropdown list.
  2. In case of e-mail, please specify the title of the special issue in the subject and in the cover letter of the submission.

For further information, Please contact us at: Walsh Medical Media Journals
: info@walshmedicalmedia.com