Awwad Alenezy
King Faisal University, KSA
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Background: Leukemia is a cancer that starts in the stem cells of the bone marrow that make blood cells. Survival from childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has continued to improve in economically-developed regions of the world, but 20% of patients still die within 5 years of diagnosis. Factors relating to socioeconomic status and or treatment adherence are increasingly scrutinized as potentially important determinants of outcome. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of the leukemia on the patient, to assess the effect of leukemia on family members and to develop an approach to support the patients with leukemia and their family. Methods: This study is based on use of textbooks, internet searches (PubMed, BMJ & Medline) and reviewing published articles. Results & Conclusions: The results of most of the studies indicated that social functioning of the family is important. Families who were able to act openly, express feelings directly and solve problems effectively had lower levels of depression. Direct communication of information within the family was associated with lower levels of anxiety. Researchers and clinicians need to be family-focused since cancer affects the whole family not just the patient.