Anna Eva Piros
Semmelweis University, Hungary
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Introduction: Malignant tumor of the penis is a rare disease. It is diagnosed in our country in 40- 55 patients per year. Due to the embarrassment arising from its location, patients often hesitate to turn to a doctor. The incidence of the disease is low worldwide. We could not find a case study that examines the relationship between the formation and the discovery of the penile cancer and the patients??? social background on such a large number of examined patients neither in Hungarian, nor in international literature. Aim: The aim of the study is to find a relationship between epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of the disease and patients??? socio-demographic data. Method: We have analyzed 132 patients??? data, which had an operation due to penile cancer between June 1996 and November 2017 at Semmelweis University???s Department of Urology. We explored the socio-demographic background of the disease with questionnaires. Results: Mean age of men was 62.5 years. Squamous cell carcinoma was 81%. Pathological T stadium was T1 in 42%, T2 in 31%, T3 in 19% and CIS in 8%. Differentiation was grade 1 in 25%, grade 2 in 53% and grade 3 in 22% of the cases. Inguinal lymph node metastases were found in 48 patients. In discovery, 33 patients had got phimosis. Mean survival time of all patients was 43.3 months. The socio-demographic questionnaire in 67 cases was successful. Fifty seven (57) patients could not be reached, six people did not answer the questions, one patient was under psychiatric care and one patient was in prison. The two year survival was significantly worse in patients who were born and currently living in cities other than the capital city or rural small towns when the disease was discovered, than who were born and live in Budapest. We also examined the two year survival with the patients??? smoking habits, the existence of phimosis, co-morbidity (hypertonia and diabetes mellitus), educational background, and number of sexual partners, the presence of pain or discomfort and family status. We also examined if the educational background and residence have any connection with the time that passed from the first symptom to turning to a specialist
Anna Eva Piros is currently pursuing her 6th year Medicine from Semmelweis University Faculty of Medicine Budhapest, Hungary. Currently, she is doing her research at Department of Urology. She has attended several national and international conferences and also has a national and international patent: “Administrating device for transdermal administration of liquid medicinal preparations, particularly insulin”-national: P1300613/20 patent. She is also co-author for: “Imiquimod treatment of non-melanotic skin cancers” article.