Sema Akinci, Kamile Silay, Ebru Uz and Imdat Dilek
Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disorders Transf
Introduction: Hematopoesis is the formation of blood cellular components. The effect of growth factors and hormones (erytrhopoetin, thyroid and corticosteroid hormones) are important in producing of erythrocytes. The author would thorugh the presentation, like to present a panhypopituitarism with hypoproliferative anemia case to point out endocrine disorders in differential diagnosis of anemia. Case: A 36-year-old man without any significant past medical history presented to the hematology outpatient clinic with generalized waekness for a long time. Further questioning revealed a remote history of head trauma and scalp fracture which was occured around 5 years ago. Labaratory findings revealed anemia with 7.2 g/dl hemoglobine level and reticulocytopenia. Bone marrow biopsy was performed to evaluate his anemia and 30% of bone marrow cellularity was found. Endocrinology consultation was requested due to abnormal thyroid function test. Patient?s panel of anterior hypohysis hormones was detected as the following; FSH=0.572 mIU/ml, LH=0.100 mIU/ml, prolactin=28.26 ng/ml, testosterone=0.025 ng/ml, cortisol=1.97 mcg/dl, GH=0.281 ng/ml, ILGF-1=25 ng/ml, TSH=4.15 uIU/ml, free-T3=1.32 ng/dl, FT4=0.48 ng/dl. Cranial and hyphopysis MRI scan was carried out due to panhypopituitarism pre-diagnosis. MRI revealed variation of hypothalamo-hypophysis anatomy and posteriorly located infindibulum. Bilaterally small testicals was found during testicular ultrasonography. Discussion: As a conclusion, it is emphasized that endocrine disorders needs to be considered in diagnosis of anemia since the nonspesific symptoms such as weakness, fatigue might be seen in both condition.