Nadia Altaf
Hayatabad Medical Complex, Pakistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Statement of the Problem: Audit of blood utilization helps in effective management of blood stock to meet present and future demands. However, there was no previous audit of utilization of blood and its components in our province of Pakistan, therefore we decide to conduct audit of blood and its components in various departments of the hospital and then to develop strategies that will result in optimal therapeutic utilization of blood and its components with maximum clinical benefits to the patient. Methodology: A retrospective audit was carried out in Blood Bank at a Tertiary Care Hospital of Pakistan from January 2017 to December 2017. Included all consecutive patients who were admitted and received blood components transfusion in inpatient, emergency and ICU Departments. All transfusions included in this study were allogenic. Children registered in thalassemia center receiving transfusions were excluded from the study. The frequency of whole blood, packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelet utilization was calculated. Findings: In our study a total of 28963 blood and its components were utilized for inpatients at Tertiary Care Hospital. Whole blood transfusions (41%) were done maximum followed by packed red blood cells (25%). Male patients (57.5%) had received maximum transfusions as compared to females (42.4%). Most blood transfusions were seen in the age group of 20-50 years. The clinical specialty which required high rate of utilization of blood and its components was medicine (23.3%). Maximum RBC transfusions were prescribed by gynaecology and obstetrics (23.8%) while highest platelets and FFPs transfusions were seen by medicine (43.1%) and gynaecology & obstetrics (23.1%) respectively. Conclusion & Significance: The high rate of utilization of blood and its components in our study reinforces the importance of justified use of blood and its components in the clinical practice by implementation of guidelines of use of various blood products to meet demands
Nadia Altaf is working as a Consultant Hematologist in a tertiary care hospital of Peshawar in Pakistan. She is the youngest Hematologist in her province and has passion in improving and upgrading blood transfusion practices in her country.